Registered Providers of Housing
Getting Safeguarding Right
Consultant Andrew Meyer explores the role that Registered Providers of Housing need to play when it comes to safeguarding.
Registered Providers have a key role to play when it comes to safeguarding adults and children, and whilst there is a duty of care, as non-experts in the field, there is a danger that the correct support structures may not be in place to ensure that the right action is taken to protect and reduce the risks of harm to people. It is worth taking time to consider whether:
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. This includes colleagues, contractors and agents who should all have access to information and support to ensure that risks are minimised. When managed properly, effective safeguarding practice can have a positive impact and improve the quality of people’s lives. At their core, Registered Providers are experts in housing and property management, and many choose to focus on supporting customers with employment and maintaining a tenancy. But, the role that housing providers play in people’s day to day lives means that they are well placed to identify safeguarding concerns. Therefore, as has been identified within many serious case reviews for adults and children, it is crucial that safeguarding is also recognised as a foundation underlying the core work taking place. There are well documented implications for people’s lives and wellbeing when safeguarding concerns are missed or not responded to appropriately and one high-profile example of this is the Victoria Climbié case, which shocked the nation back in February 2000. There are many benefits to both individuals and organisations in getting safeguarding right, including:
If your organisation is unclear on its approach, or just wants a ‘health check’, Central Consultancy can help you identify concerns and support you with putting robust ways of working in place that play to your strengths, whilst understanding the boundaries of the role of registered housing providers. |
If you’d like more information please contact Consultant Sarah Clay on
0121 285 6161 or 07752 165342 or email: [email protected]
0121 285 6161 or 07752 165342 or email: [email protected]