Our Approach to Team Building
We identify shared needs which relate to team working and therefore might be addressed through team building. We will also advise on those that do not; organisations can waste time and money on trying to address issues through team development that are not primarily about team working.
At its broadest, team building is an organisational development intervention for finding and eliminating barriers to a work group’s ability to work together effectively. As OD specialists team building and team development are core competencies. The purpose of team building is usually to build trust and encourage working together across services, functions and settings.
Team building must also lead to improved leadership and management to support achievement of vision and objectives. In our experience team building can achieve the following benefits:
A number of ‘off the shelf’ team building packages are available from companies specialising in, for example,outdoor adventure activities. We have partner organisations we can commission from (at cost) to achieve ‘best fit’ with client specifications. However, we strongly recommend that custom designed events as most effective.
Our approach is rooted in organisational core competencies/behaviours, and structured around the well-established building blocks of effective teamwork to provide an underpinning framework (for example clear objectives and agreed goals, openness, support and trust, co-operation and handling conflict, sound procedures, appropriate leadership, individual development, sound inter-group relations and good communications). We take account of any individual requirements that may impact on the design, such as disability or cultural expectations or requirements. We produce a coherent and integrated design for your event in consultation with you, drawing on a range of tried and tested An excellent session - very positive and informative. It was good to have the opportunity to discuss concerns in an open and honest way” Recent comments from participants