Risk Assurance & Governance Basics
Designed specifically for Governance Officers, Senior Executives, Board Members and Company Secretaries.
Learning Outcomes
- An understanding of the Board’s role in respect of Risk, Assurance and Governance, the difference between assurance and reassurance and how the governance function can support effective risk and assurance management
- Consideration of how the most well-intentioned risk and governance activities can go wrong, looking at key behavioural and cultural factors and the critical clues that can alert senior executives and board members to the "hairline cracks" that can lead to significant issues later on
- How to manage a wide number of risk and assurance activities and support the Senior Executives and Board Members to form judgments on the key areas to probe further including new risk areas such as issues in emerging markets, major projects, acquisitions, technology and cyber security
- We will discuss key areas where problems can arise and what to do to manage these:
- Risks with low probability and high impact ("Black Swans")
- Minor, day to day, issues that are almost routine and boring
- Key risks that appear to be under control - and then suddenly go wrong (the "Swiss cheese" model of risk failure).
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