Minding the Money
The Board's responsibility for financial viability
This session will develop Board members’ confidence and understanding in:
- The essentials of housing finance
- Value for money and financial viability
- Long, medium and short term financial plans
- Interpreting financial information
- Key viability indicators
- Financial aspects of business planning
- Sources of funding and treasury management
Central Consultancy and Training managed two strategy development days for the Human City Institute's Board of Trustees. Both days were run extremely well and resulted in an excellent report to the Board summarising how to develop the charity and realise a successful future. Human City Institute
This successful series of Masterclasses was developed to meet the needs of our Board – we were not shoehorned into a pre-existing programme. The Orbit Heart of England Board is diverse - including residents, health and local government professionals, and senior people from the private sector – and every member has got something out of it. We were impressed that it offered a flexible framework which can be varied to meet individual needs - especially so with the coaching support you provided for less experienced Board members, which equipped them to participate on an equal basis. Our new Chair has been impressed by how well the programme has been received. Orbit Heart of England