Human Resources
Make your investment in 'back office' services really count with our flexible support...
Restructuring, redeployment & redundancy, outsourcing, downsizing and career management support
Advice on TUPE issues including restructuring & redeployment. Immediate coaching for people facing redundancy - or those charged with managing the process - to provide practical support and help safeguard the integrity of your employer brand. Review of terms & conditions of employment policy reviews. Support for hard pressed HR departments Interim HR support as an extra pair of hands or project support, increasing capacity when you need it. Reward Executive performance management & remuneration, audits of pay & reward systems, equal pay audits, development of pay strategies & policies, salary reviews & job evaluation support. Performance management Whether planning restructuring or managing with fewer people afterwards, performance management comes into sharper relief. We can help you fine tune your systems and integrate with other people management practices. Training needs analysis 'Top down' and 'bottom up' analysis of learning needs for managers & staff at all levels. An 'extra pair of hands' to write your training plan - or manage its delivery. |
HR strategy development & review
Specialist support to align your HR strategy with business needs. Staff attitude surveys Electronic or paper based attitude or climate surveys Managing change & organisational development Mergers & group structures, restructures and downsizing, including cultural fit & integration, change management and post merger integration support. Independent HR investigation service Are you able to respond quickly where there are issues of misconduct or complex grievances, bullying or harassment allegations Staff engagement In difficult times we can help you build capacity & develop an effective communication, consultation & information strategy. Career designing with a difference HR professionals are well aware of recruitment and retention difficulties. Central provides a career designing service which can help you retain your key staff through positive career development within the organisation Active management of difficult staffing situations From independent investigations to mediation & coaching, we provide experienced investigating officers & qualified mediators & coaches. |