Board & Leadership 360 Appraisal
Reliable data about strengths and gaps is the best starting point for any development activity. We can support the design, administration and feedback from a range of 360 appraisal tools and approaches ranging from web based questionnaires, through to telephone or face to face structured interviews using a tailored framework based on your organisation’s values and desired leadership behaviours.
Approach & Methodology
Stage one: Desk research
We begin by familiarising ourselves with the organisation context by reviewing your business plan, people strategy and any leadership competence or behaviour frameworks, and other relevant data such as staff survey outcomes. Stage two: One to one meeting with the Chair, Chief Executive or other senior sponsor An in depth conversation with the Chair (for Board 360) Chief Executive or HR director to set the direction of the work and ensure we are aware of any ‘live’ issues. Stage three: Produce a draft behavioural 360 framework that reflects the organisation values If you already have an agreed behavioural framework this stage can be omitted. The framework can either be developed by us and tested for felt validity through consultation sessions with the individuals who are going to be using it, or developed through a workshop session with those individuals. The latter approach has the advantage of generating a sense of ownership of the resulting framework which can make the outcomes of the 360 process more meaningful and valued. |
Stage four: Administering the 360 framework and collating responses
We ask participants to identify their chosen respondents and supply us with relevant contact details for each of them. If you are using our web based process, an email link is sent to respondents, they complete the questionnaire on line, and individual reports are generated. The process is similar for paper based questionnaires and for structured interviews, except that for the latter we contact respondents by telephone, and we collate responses and produce individual reports manually. The outcome is an individual report based on data gathered for each participant. This is shared with the individual in the context of a coaching session, and if agreed with all concerned, a copy can be provided to the individual’s line manager (or in the case of Board members, the Chair) to support an appraisal and development planning discussion. We can also produce an overview summary report of strengths and development areas for the whole cohort of participants, without identifying individuals, which can be helpful in identifying shared development needs. Stage five: Handover The process concludes with a brief report outlining the process for future guidance. If you use the web based questionnaire and wish to administer the process in house in future, we can supply details of how to access and amend it if required. |